Town Hall repainted 003.JPG

A Walk Around Tenterden Town Hall

With the planning application for the re-ordering and extension of the Town Hall now submitted to Ashford Borough Council I, Claire Gilbert (Deputy Town Clerk), thought why not do a walk round video showing every element of the Town Hall.  I know that a very high percentage of Tenterden residents have probably never set foot inside the Town Hall, so I’m sure this will be informative (even for those who have been in, but not explored the entire building).  So here is the link to the YouTube video I have produced with the help of my 8 year old daughter: 

There are no frills to this video – what you see is how it currently is.  I did not focus on the severe damp which we have in the Town Council’s offices and near the back door, or the mould in the Council's Reception office, but it is a true reality for us who work in there.  Enjoy!

Best wishes, 