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Internal Control

Click here for the Statement of Internal Control for the year ending 31st March 2024.

Financial Risk Assessment

Click here for the Financial Risk Assessment for the year 2024/2025.

Financial documentation relating to Tenterden Town Council is listed below.  

2023-24 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Notice of Public Rights and Guidance

Annual Return Accounting Statement (accounting statements are as yet unaudited) *

Annual Return Governance Statement *

Annual Internal Auditor Report *

External Auditor Report and Certificate *

Audit Conclusion Notice

* Due to Accounts and Audit Regulations requirement for a physical ‘wet ink’ signature on the original Annual Return documents, scanned documents are provided here which are not fully compliant with the Accessibility Regulations. 

2022-23 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Notice of Public Rights

Annual Return Accounting Statement

Annual Return Governance Statement

Annual Internal Auditor Report

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit Conclusion Notice

2021-22 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Noice of Public Rights and Publication

Annual Return Account Statement

Annual Return Governance Statement

Annual Internal Audit Report

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit Conclusion Notice

2020-21 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Notice of Public Rights and Publication

Annual Return Account Statement

Annual Return Governance Statement

Annual Internal Audit Report

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit Conclusion Notice

2019-20 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Notice of Public Rights and Publication

Annual Return Account Statement

Annual Return Governance Statement

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit Conclusion Notice


2018-19 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Notice of Public Rights and Publication

Annual Return Account Statement

Annual Return Governance Statement

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Audit Conclusion Notice


2017-18 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Annual Return Account Statement 

Annual Return Governance Statement 

External Auditor Report and Certificate


2016-17 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Annual return accounting statement 

Annual return governance statement  

External Auditor Report and Certificate


2015-16 End-of-Year Audit Statements:

Annual return accounting statement 

Annual return governance statement  

External Auditor Report and Certificate

Budget Monitoring 24/25

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 30.09.24

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 30.06.24

Budget Monitoring 23/24

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 31.03.24

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 31.12.23

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 30.09.23

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 30.06.23

Budget Monitoring 22/23

Combined Income & Expenditure up to 31.03.23

Internal Committee

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.22)

Month no.6 (up to 30.09.22)

Month no.3 (up to 30.06.22)

External Committee

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.22)

Month no.6 (up to 30.09.22)

Month no.3 (up to 30.06.22)

Planning Committee

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.22)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.22)

Month no.3 (up to 30.06.22)

Budget Monitoring 2021/22

Internal Committee

Month no.12 (up to 31.03.22)

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.21)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.21)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.21)

External Committee

Month no.12 (up to 31.03.22)

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.21)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.21)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.21)

Planning Committee

Month no.12 (up to 31.03.22)

Month no.9 (up to 31.12.21)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.21)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.21)

Budget Monitoring 2020/21

Internal Committee

Month no.12 (up to 31.03.21)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.20)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.20)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.20)

External Committee

Month no.12 (up to 31.03.21)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.20)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.20)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.20)

Planning Committee

Month no12 (up to 31.03.21)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.20)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.20)

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.20)


Budget Monitoring 2019/20

Internal Committee

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.19)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.19)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.19)

Month no. 12 (up to 31.03.20)

External Committee

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.19)

Month no.6 (up to 30.09.19)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.19)

Month no 12. (up to 31.03.20)

Planning Committee

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.19)

Month no. 12 (up to 31.03.20)


Budget Monitoring 2018/19

Internal Committee

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.18)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.18)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.18)

Month no. 12 (up to 31.03.19)

External Committee

Month no. 3 (up to 30.06.18)

Month no. 6 (up to 30.09.18)

Month no. 9 (up to 31.12.18)

Month no. 12 (up to 31.03.19)


Budget Monitoring 2017/18

Internal Committee

Month No. 3 (up to 30.06.17)

Month No. 6 (up to 01.10.17)

Month No. 9 (up to 31.12.17)

Month No. 12 (up to 31.03.18)

External Committee

Month No. 3 (up to 30.06.17)

Month No. 6 (up to 01.10.17)

Month No. 9 (up to 31.12.17)

Month No. 12 (up to 31.03.18)



Tenterden Town Council is inviting open tenders for the Ice Cream Concession on Tenterden’s Recreation Ground.  The contract will be effective from 1st April to 30th September 2025.  A copy of the concession agreement, which will provide you with more information, can be obtained by contacting Claire Gilbert on 01580 762271 or by email:

Tenders must be received by 3pm on Monday, 3rd March 2025.  Applicants will be informed of the result of their application by Friday, 14th March 2025. 

Tenders should be posted in a sealed envelope with no identifying information on the envelope to: The Town Clerk, Tenterden Town Council, Milroy House, 3 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BW.