Tenterden Town Council has expressed “absolute delight” at the public’s response to the recent exhibition updating residents on the progress of the three town regeneration scheme projects – the reordering of the Recreation Ground, a potential new cinema, and the refurbishment of the Town Hall.
The exhibition was the latest stage in the council’s public consultation programme on the regeneration, and 448 people visited the Town Hall exhibition, with more than 380 people completing a survey form to gauge their opinions on each project.
Of the responses, 84 were completed online, and the council is keeping the survey open on their website until Sunday, 15 March for anyone who still wants to comment – visit www.tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk Click on Tenterden Regeneration Projects, then Public Exhibition to review the presentations and complete the survey.
Following this, there will be a detailed evaluation of the responses which will be presented to the Town Council.