The Proclamation of the accession of the new monarch, His Majesty King Charles III took place at Tenterden Town Hall on Monday 12th September.
The ceremony took place on the balcony of the Town Hall and was attended by Tenterden town councillors as well as councillor representatives from both Ashford Borough Council and Kent County Council. An estimated 100 members of the public were present to witness the proceedings. Prayers for our new monarch, were read by Canon Lindsay Hammond & Reverend Jeanette Kennett.
Before reading the Proclamation, the Mayor of Tenterden Cllr Crawford, said that:
“Tenterden Town Council would like to convey its sincerest condolences to his Majesty The King on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our Head of State and Great Ambassador for the United Kingdom, whose place in history is surely secure as one of the greatest reigning monarchs.”
“We share the sentiments of loss and sorrow felt all over the world at the passing of such an eminent patriot, whose life has been devoted to the service of her country as well as advocating peace and the importance of nations working together.”
“We have all been greatly saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, after the longest reign in our nation’s history and a lifetime of selfless and devoted service to our country and to the Commonwealth.”
“However, the Crown never dies and, even as we mourn our late Queen, a new King has acceded to the throne and I have been charged by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Boyce, with reading the following formal proclamation, issued by the Accession Council, which is expressed in the formal language traditionally made, over many centuries.”
The ceremony ended with all present voicing three cheers for His Majesty the King and singing of the national anthem.