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Town Council agrees to the protection of its land as part of the Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan

At Monday night’s Internal committee meeting (12th July), the Town Council agreed as a landowner to support the Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan’s designation of East Cross Gardens and Coombe Lane Cemetery as protected ‘Local Green Spaces’.  This designation would help ensure that no development work takes place on the land.

Designation of the Millennium Garden was also discussed, and it was agreed that this should be included but with a caveat that should the cinema development proceed, the Town Council would wish to withhold some of that area from protection in line with the cinema plans.

The discussion regarding the Neighbourhood Plan designations comes as part of the current Pre-submission Consultation period known as Regulation 14 which started on 23rd June and runs for 8 weeks.  If you wish to view the plan and comment, you can find out more information on the Neighbourhood Plan’s website: